
Stool SX-38

A piece designed taking into account the imperfections of the natural raw material, the designer respected the veins, contours, and marks of time in its conception, making the wood element lightful, thus using conical leg to reaffirm the composition of lightness of the proposal. The designer Oswaldo Mellone knew how to take advantage of all the elements he had since the handcrafted production until the selection of the raw material as a basis for creating this beautiful piece.


Product name: Stool SX-38

ID number: TB117461

Place: São Paulo, SP

Client: Rosewood São Paulo

Wood Harvest date: 11/21/2020

Fabrication date: 04/03/2021





The traceability implemented at Tora Brasil allows the customer to have information about the origin of the wood, showing the exact location of the tree extracted by sustainable forest management to produce this specific piece. Thus, you can observe with your own eyes on the map with satellite images the massive green area that Tora Brasil helps to conserve.

According to our IBAMA operation: license number 578188, and our FSC certification C002322, all wood we consume is extracted from Sustainable Forest Management and Reduced Impact Exploitation (MF-EIR), based on the most recent academic studies to use forest resources in harmony with conservation. Our wood suppliers, licensed by IBAMA, have the FSC certification that confers all the sustainability of the production chain, from forest conservation to the worker’s well-being, as well as the social development to the people of that areas.

Below you will see the EXACT location from where we take raw material to produce this specific piece. The FSC® is currently the most recognized Certification seal and is present in more than 75 countries. The council acts in three ways:
It develops the (universal) principles or criteria for certification, It accredits specialized and independent certifying organizations, It supports the development of national and regional forest management standards.

FSC Search

O FSC® é atualmente o selo mais reconhecido ao redor do mundo e está presente em mais de 75 países. O conselho atua de três formas: desenvolve os princípios ou critérios (universais) para certificação, credencia organizações certificadoras especializadas e independentes e apoia o desenvolvimento de padrões nacionais e regionais de manejo florestal.

Quem consome produtos de madeira ilegal acaba apoiando uma prática que está aos poucos destruindo uma de nossas maiores riquezas: a natureza brasileira. Já quando valorizamos e priorizamos empresas que fazem parte de uma cadeia que protege a fauna e a flora brasileiras, estamos fortalecendo essa prática e perpetuando uma atitude de consumo que nos garante um futuro ecologicamente correto.

Procure o selo FSC®! Nós, da Tora Brasil, contamos com essa certificação e contribuímos para uma transformação na forma de consumir madeira.

Verifique nossa Certificação FSC!

Tora Brasil

Criada em 2003 a Tora Brasil é uma empresa brasileira líder na produção e comercialização de móveis de madeira maciça certificada FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council ®) para o mercado de luxo. O compromisso com o desenvolvimento sustentável está presente em toda a cadeia de produção da Tora Brasil.

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